Evidence Video is able to successfully help you overcome language hurdles in legal cases with the assistance of its Multilingual staff.
We are able to promote Hispanic attorneys and their cases with the help of staff members fluent in Spanish.
We also offer real-time translation in Serbian, Russian and Bosnia with staff out of our Chicago-based offices.
Evidence Video also has contracts with translators worldwide who speak Arabic, Swahili, Amharic, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Chinese.
With their expert translation skills we are able to re-create emotion-filled interviews of family members into English — providing impactful Settlement Documentaries no matter what the plaintiff’s country of origin.
In some cases, a video with impactful translations has been found to sway a jury that otherwise might not be sympathetic to undocumented immigrants.
Evidence Video’s multilingual services allow you to turn a language barrier into a language asset.

In Settlement Documentaries we are able to interview people in their native language, translate that language to English and have professional voice-over actors recreate the original emotion in English.
This video clip offers an example of how we effectively produced emotion-filled soundbites with Swahili-speaking family members. They lost a loved one in the crash of Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on March 10, 2019.
During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Evidence Video’s multilingual producer Juan Carlos worked with a Spanish-speaking family to obtain powerful video of a client who suffered a catastrophic brain injury.